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One packet of cigarettes a day is worth cleaning


One packet of cigarettes a day is worth cleaning


 And the search is worrisome: twenty cigarettes a day are smoked just as regular housework will starve the lungs! Surprised at first by the results published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, they found an explanation for this harm.


"There's probably nothing so surprising when you're cleaning the floor with small particles from the agent and expelling your lungs." The authors assume that the observed pulmonary disorders cause irritation and permanent changes caused by most of the cleaning chemicals in the respiratory tract.


One packet of cigarettes a day is worth cleaning


More specifically, the ability to breathe is the main lung function affected by these products. People who regularly use industrial cleaning products for professional or personal household cleaning will have an increased risk of asthma or illness as well as an accelerated drop in breathing ability. According to the study’s authors, this accelerated fall would be “comparable to just smoking under a pack”.


This decrease is particularly noticeable among clean professionals, who are exposed to this substance on a daily basis. However, women who report cleanliness in the home will also be particularly affected by this reduction in lung activity. Also, men will not be affected by this adverse effect on their lungs, including coming into contact with these products in their profession.


Men are less affected than women


To explain this difference, scientists put forward several hypotheses. First, the number of men with maintenance occupations is much lower than that of women and therefore does not allow sufficient sampling to produce reliable statistics.


On the other hand, the number of males reported to be clean at home is also much lower than the number of females (85% vs. 85%) enough to analyze, but the results may be distorted by men at risk. So it is quite possible that men who used cleaning products were compared to men whose work exposed them to other harmful substances, which had the effect of reducing the effect of household products. One final hypothesis is that these types of products have a more fragile constitution for women than for men. This increased sensitivity has already been reported for "tobacco smoke and wood dust, for which studies have shown that low exposure in women is sufficient to develop a disease," the researchers explained.


In any case, the debate over the sharing of domestic work in this study should be resumed. We recommend avoiding these types of products to avoid such national health problems. To keep your home clean, while protecting your health, we recommend using natural source maintenance products, such as white vinegar or baking soda.


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